Dealing with Joint Pain

The ability to live a normal life can be severely disrupted when you suffer from joint pain. Lack of freedom of movement and hindered mobility through pain and stiffness is no fun. Each of our joints defines a range of motion and ability that if affected limit a whole sequence of activities, and so those suffering from joint problems can find many areas of their life more difficult.

So we’ve put together a brief guide to three different easily accessed treatments that can help relieve the problem of joint pain.


Hydrotherapy involves taking special exercises in a pool of warm water, and is proven to help strengthen muscles, relax joints, relieve pain, and increase movement. Hydro therapy sessions are available on the NHS, so ask your GP in the first instance.


Massage is also an effective therapy for joint pain. Massage therapy and gentle stretching can help relieve stiffness and pain, increase blood supply, soothe sore muscles, and reduce inflammation and swelling. Our full body massager helps relieve tension and gives immediate relief from the symptoms of stiffness and aches.


Often used with very good effect for joint pain, the fine needles inserted into specific points of the body work in a number of ways; encouraging the body to produce feel good endorphins to relieve pain, to divert or change painful sensations sent to the brain, and improve energy flow around the body and aid relaxation. Available either on the NHS or from a private therapist.


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