Health for every body



Is there anywhere I can't use the Full Body Massager?

You can only massage on muscle or fleshy areas, the action of the machine bounces off of bone. However you can, for example, Massage behind knees and inside of elbows for joint pain relief.



How strong is the Full Body Massager?

It can be very strong but that does not mean you have to use on highest level, we advise start low and work up. You do not have to be on the highest level to be effective, just enough that you feel comfortable.




Does the Acuhealth hurt?

No it is acupressure not insertion of needles.



How does it work?

It works in the same way as acupuncture but without the needles . It is said to trigger the body's self healing.




Can I do more harm using machine?

No, as you only use machine for time stated and you don't overdo treatment and stay at level you are comfortable. Remember to drink water after treatment. Any medical condition that may cause concern consult with your Doctor first.



What if the machine breaks down?

You have a two year guarantee, send back your machine and we will repair or replace by return. After gaurentee has expired call our office for half price on product for life.



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